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Category: Tropical cyclones

Hurricane Ida moves into the Gulf Of Mexico

A morphed microwave imagery loop (from the MIMIC website at CIMSS) shows 48 hours of structural changes as observed from microwave imagery. Note the strong eyewall-like structures at the beginning of the loop, with persistent strong convection noted west of the storm center. As the storm moves over colder water,... Read More

Hurricane Ida

Tropical Storm Ida has formed in the southwestern Caribbean Sea. Strong convection near the center is evident in the visible image, above, as well as suggestion of a banded feature northeast of the center. The southwestern Caribbean Sea is a region where tropical cyclogenesis can still occur at this time... Read More

Hurricane Rick at Category Five Intensity

Eastern Pacific Hurricane Rick, shown above near peak intensity at sunset on 17 October 2009, is the second strongest hurricanes on record in the eastern Pacific — weaker only than 1997’s Linda. Sustained winds at this time were estimated to be 180 miles per hour, and the central sea level... Read More

Tropical Storm Grace

Late on October 4th, the weather system in the far northeast Atlantic acquired sufficient tropical characteristics to be classified as a Tropical Storm, and Grace was named. The visible image from GOES-12 above shows the counterclockwise swirl of clouds. GOES-12 is over the Equator at 75 degrees W Longitude,... Read More