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Category: Training

Ozone and the airmass RGB

A GOES-17 airmass RGB, above, shows a strong feature in the Gulf of Alaska. It’s common to associate the orange and purple regions within that polar feature (that is accompanied by cloud features consistent with very cold air aloft) with enhanced ozone. What products are available online to gauge the... Read More

ASCAT winds versus SAR winds

From an email came this question: RADARSAT vs ASCAT winds, what are the differences between the two methods?This comparison is not easy to make directly, as the orbits of Metop-B and Metop-C, the two satellites that carry the ASCAT instrument (now that Metop-A, which satellite also carried ASCAT, has been decomissioned), don’t... Read More

Creating RGB imagery using SIFT and Geo2Grid

The use of routine multispectral geostationary satellite imagery over the United States has increased the routine use of Red/Green/Blue composite imagery to describe and evaluate surface and atmospheric conditions. This blog post will detail how to create new (or old) RGB composites using two UW-Madison/CIMSS/SSEC-developed tools: The Satellite Information and... Read More