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Category: RealEarth

Severe Weather and Tornadoes over Oklahoma

Oklahoma City and surrounding areas were struck with severe weather last night, the night of Wednesday 2023-04-19. Nine tornadoes touched down in Oklahoma, making a total of 15 tornadoes from the storm system. Tornadoes were also reported in Nebraska and Iowa. This severe weather took the lives of three Oklahomans.... Read More

Tropical Cyclone Herman

Tropical Cyclone Herman has upgraded to Tropical Storm status and currently sits in the Eastern Indian Ocean, approximately 1600 km from the coast of Western Australia. It has been measured to produce gusts up to 55 mph. As of yet, the storm poses no threat to human populations and is... Read More

Severe Winds, Snow, and Rain in California

Rotation off the coast of California near San Francisco was present on Tuesday 2023-03-21 as the area got hit with rains and high windspeeds. The rotation is apparent in both visible RGB satellite imagery and radar reflectivity, animated below using RealEarth. Circular formations in cloud structure, seen by GOES-16, and... Read More