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Category: Meteosat

Cyclone Chapala approaches Yemen

Cyclone Chapala continued its unusual approach towards Yemen on the southwestern edge of the Arabian Peninsula. Early on 2 November, the storm has passed just north of the Island of Socotra and entered the Gulf of Aden. METOP-B overflew the storm at ~0615 UTC on 2 November; Visible and Infrared... Read More

Cyclone Chapala in the Arabian Sea

Tropical Cyclone Chapala is poised to make an unusual landfall on the Arabian Penisula over the weekend. The Suomi NPP VIIRS Day Night Band Imagery (courtesy William Straka, SSEC/CIMSS), above, from 2102 UTC on 29 October, shows a compact storm with curved bands of strong convection around an apparent eye.... Read More

Hurricane Fred

Tropical Storm Fred reached hurricane intensity east of the Cape Verde Islands late in the day on 30 August 2015.  As mentioned in the NHC discussion on the following morning, Fred was the first hurricane to pass through the Cape Verde Islands since 1892. While no central eye was apparent on... Read More