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Category: Google Earth

Wildfires in Texas

Several large wildfires began to burn across parts of western Texas (and also southeastern New Mexico) late in the day on 25 February 2008, as seen by the large number of fire “hot spots” (black to red pixels, with red being the hottest temperatures) on GOES-12 3.9 µm “shortwave IR” images (above).... Read More

Using MODIS imagery to detect thin stratus/fog over snow cover

AWIPS images of the MODIS visible channel, the 1.6µm near-IR “snow/ice channel”, and the 11.0µm “IR window” channel (above) revealed a large patch of supercooled water droplet stratus cloud (and/or fog) over northeastern Utah on 19 February 2008. This stratus/fog cloud feature was confined to the lower elevations (AWIPS topography image | Johns Hopkins topography image) where... Read More