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Category: GOES sounder

Snow vs stratus cloud discrimination

AWIPS images of the MODIS visible and 1.6 µm “snow/ice channel” images from 17 December 2007 (above) demonstrate the utility of the snow/ice channel for helping to identify areas of thin supercooled water droplet stratus clouds that exist over a snow-covered satellite scene (this MODIS imagery was mentioned in the NWS Milwaukee/Sullivan... Read More

GOES-10 replaces GOES-12

On 04 December 2007, GOES-12 (the operational GOES-East satellite at 75º W longitude) experienced an anomaly in spacecraft attitude following a North-South station keeping maneuver; initial efforts to restore GOES-12 to a normal on-orbit mode were unsuccessful. As a result, GOES-10 (at 60º W longitude) was reassigned from South American... Read More

Wave structure on top of a stratus cloud deck

GOES-12 visible channel images (above) revealed an interesting wave structure along the top of an extensive stratus cloud deck that covered much of Iowa, southern Wisconsin, and northern Illinois on 20 November 2007. An AWIPS 4-panel image showing the MODIS and GOES-12 visible and IR window channels (below) demonstrated the... Read More