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Category: Arctic

Record cold in Alaska

A McIDAS image of the NOAA-18 10.8 µm IR channel (above) showed a region of very cold surface temperatures (darker blue to violet color enhancement) over the interior of Alaska on 19 November 2009, especially in the vicinity of Chandalar Lake (station identifier PALR) and Anuktuvuk Pass (station identifier PAKP).... Read More

Snow cover in northern Quebec, Canada

AWIPS images of the MODIS visible channel, the 2.1 µm near-IR “snow/ice” channel, and the 3.7 µm shortwave IR channel (above) displayed a swath of snow cover on the ground in far northern Quebec, Canada on 04 October 2009. The Environment Canada Read More

Interesting satellite signatures in the Arctic

An intense upper-level low developed over the Canadian Arctic Archipelago on 14 July 2009, and subsequently migrated southwestward over the Northwest Territories, Yukon, and northeastern Alaska by 16 July 2009. AWIPS images of the GOES-11 + GOES-12 water vapor channel composite (above) showed a well-defined signature of the intensifying upper... Read More