A Moon Shot
The moon was visible in Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA)‘s AHI (-9) imagery on 21 August 2024.
A similar mp4 animation as above, but a quicker animation speed.
While the GOES-R ABI series also scans the moon when it is near the Earth, only the remapped (to the Earth) pixels are distributed as part of the rebroadcast data. Special processing from Level 0 data is needed to see the off Earth edge pixels with ABI. GOES-1 through GOES-15 imagers did allow to sometimes see the moon off the Earth. Examples from GOES-8, GOES-12, and GOES-13.
Thanks to JMA for the AHI data (via NESDIS/STAR) and the UW/SSEC Data Services. McIDAS-X was used for these image combinations. T. Schmit works for NOAA/NESDIS/STAR and is stationed in Madison, WI.