GOES-R Level 2 Products with geo2grid version 1.1

The latest release of the CSPPGeo software package geo2grid (version 1.1, downloadable here) includes support to display two Level 2 products from GOES-R: Cloud Top Temperature and Cloud Top Height. Cloud Top Temperature, above, created using data ordered and downloaded from the NOAA CLASS site, is at 2-km resolution (in line with the latest Algorithm Theoretical Basis Document — ATBD — for the product), and is created for every time step in the Full Disk and Mesoscale Domains. The commands to create this image are shown below. The ‘SubTrop’ grid used was created as shown in this blog post.
../geo2grid.sh -r abi_l2_nc -w geotiff -p TEMP --grids SubTrop --grid-configs $GEO2GRID_HOME/SubTrop.yaml -f $GEO2GRID_HOME/bin/Level2/CLASSData/OR_ABI-L2-ACHTF-M6_G16_s20223501500*.nc
../add_coastlines.sh -o GOES-16_ABI_TEMP_20221216_150020_SubTropCLASS.png --add-grid --grid-D 5.0 5.0 --grid-d 5.0 5.0 --add-coastlines --grid-text-size 14 --add-colorbar --colorbar-align right --colorbar-text-size 10 --colorbar-tick-marks 100 GOES-16_ABI_TEMP_20221216_150020_SubTrop.tif
Cloud-top Height is shown below, from 3 data sources: The SBN, NOAA CLASS, and CSPPGeo Algorithm Integration Team (AIT) software. You will note that both SBN and CLASS (produced from the GOES-R Ground System) show (identical) data with 10-km resolution (AWIPS imagery likewise shows 10-km resolution for this field). Only the CSPPGeo AIT output shows the data at 2-km resolution (in agreement with the latest ATBD for this product). This degraded resolution for Cloud Top Height (and other cloud products) is a known issue/risk at NESDIS affecting Clear Sky Radiances that are then assimilated into numerical prediction models. Work continues to update the Ground System to mitigate this risk. The commands to create the imagery from downloaded CLASS data are shown below.
../geo2grid.sh -r abi_l2_nc -w geotiff -p HT --grids SubTrop --grid-configs $GEO2GRID_HOME/SubTrop.yaml -f $GEO2GRID_HOME/bin/Level2/CLASSData/OR_ABI-L2-ACHAF-M6_G16_s20223501500207_e20223501509515_c20223501512366.nc
../add_coastlines.sh -o GOES-16_ABI_HT_20221216_150020_SubTropCLASS.png --add-grid --grid-D 5.0 5.0 --grid-d 5.0 5.0 --add-coastlines --grid-text-size 14 --add-colorbar --colorbar-align right --colorbar-text-size 10 --colorbar-tick-marks 1500 GOES-16_ABI_HT_20221216_150020_SubTrop.tif

The CIMSS Blog also discussed Level 2 products and geo2grid — with an earlier beta version — here.