The coming geo2grid update will include level 2 product support

As noted here, an updated version of geo2grid is being prepared at CIMSS. As part of that upgrade, support for some level 2 products will be included. For example, the image above — of cloud-top height — was created using the following set of geo2grid (a beta version that this blogger is testing) calls.
./ -r abi_l2_nc -w geotiff -p HT -g L2Fields --grid-configs $GEO2GRID_HOME/L2Fields.yaml --method nearest --radius-of-influence 40000 -f /arcdata/goes_restricted/grb/goes16/2022/2022_03_21_080/abi/L2/ACHAC/*s20220801501*.nc
../ --add-coastlines --coastlines-resolution h --coastlines-level=5 --coastlines-outline='blue' --add-grid --grid-text-size 0 --grid-D 5.0 5.0 --grid-d 5.0 5.0 --add-colorbar --colorbar-align right --colorbar-text-size 8 --colorbar-vertical --colorbar-no-ticks --add-borders GOES-16_ABI_HT_20220321_150116_L2Fields.tif
convert GOES-16_ABI_HT_20220321_150116_L2Fields.png -gravity Southwest -fill black -pointsize 16 -annotate +12+36 "GOES-16 Cloud Top Height 1501 UTC 21 March 2022" GOES-16_ABI_HT_20220321_150116_L2Fields1.png
convert GOES-16_ABI_HT_20220321_150116_L2Fields1.png ~scottl/smalllogo.png -gravity northwest -geometry +12+8 -composite GOES-16_ABI_HT_20220321_150116_L2Fields2.png
How does the image above compare to Level 2 product fields that can be found elsewhere? This website contains a link to a RealEarth instance that includes mappings of Full-Disk Cloud Mask, Cloud Top Pressure, Cloud top Phase, and Cloud Optical Depth. A portion of the Full-Disk Cloud Top Pressure is shown below (from 1500 UTC). Similar features are apparent in fields above and below.

Level 2 Products associated with Cloud-top properties are also available at the CIRA slider, including Cloud-top Height, shown below from 1501 UTC. Other GOES-R Level 2 products available there include Cloud Optical Depth, Cloud Mask, Cloud Phase and Cloud Effective Particle Size.