2022: Solstice to Solstice
By animating daily NOAA GOES-16 ABI Full Disk true color imagery, how the Earth is illuminated over time can be seen. For example, the minimum in incoming solar radiation in the Northern Hemisphere associated with the Winter Solstice. For details, see “What is a Solstice?” by SciJinks. Or this NOAA https://www.noaa.gov/education/news/share-your-solstice-sunset-with-noaa-education post.
11 UTC loops from the Summer to Winter Solstices. These posted GOES ABI Full Disk imagery are only showing a small number of the pixels, for a fuller resolution image at one time (20-March-2022).
The above loop, and slowed down to a duration of 1min. The 16 bands of ABI from GOES-West and GOES-East from UW/CIMSS.
Interactive web page

An interactive web page with almost a years (2022) worth of GOES ABI Full Disk visible images at 11 UTC. The beginning date is the (northern hemisphere) summer solstice in 2022 and the end date is the winter solstice in 2022. A user can play the animation, as well as annotate the images. For example, draw lines along the terminator for different times of the year. One example might be to compare a solstice to an equinox. Can you estimate the day of the summery equinox? H/T Tom Whittaker, SSEC, for the webapp, as well as those below.
Compare two images
Drag the vertical bar to display a Northern Hemisphere (NH) GOES-16 11 UTC image at the Summer or Winter Solstices.
A short movie, showing a Summer Solstice, Fall Equinox and Winter Solstice GOES-16 ABI 11 UTC image.
Webapps about the Seasons

These images were made using NOAA data with geo2grid software, from UW-Madison, SSEC. T. Whittaker is thanked for the webapps.