Water changes over the Gulf of Mexico from Ian
Polar-Orbiting satellites flying over Florida viewed remarkable changes in water quality from before and after the passage of Hurricane Ian. Imagery from Suomi-NPP, for example, from 25 September and 30 September, toggled below (imagery derived from the VIIRS Today website), shows a large increase in turbidity in the Gulf (and over the Atlantic off the coast of eastern Florida) as well as discharge plumes from near Fort Myers and from points to the south.

True-color imagery from the Aqua MODIS instrument (below), taken from the MODIS Today website, also shows the dramatic changes (between 25 September and 30 September) in turbidity and water quality off the southwestern coast of Florida.

Note: Hurricane Wilma caused a similar increase in turbidity (link).
Thanks to RIck DiMaio, Lewis University, for pointing this out!
01 October Update: One feature of interest was a small cyclonic eddy that developed along the end of a long curved filament of cyan-colored turbidity which was wrapping around the Florida Keys — shown in GOES-16 (GOES-East) True Color RGB images from the CSPP Geosphere siteĀ (below).