There GOES 2021
Daily Full Disk imagery
By animating daily NOAA GOES-16 or GOES-17 ABI Full Disk visible imagery, the year are 2021 can be shown quickly in review. The GOES-16 loops show an 17 UTC image each day of 2021, while GOES-17 shows an image from 21 UTC. The images are Rayleigh-corrected composites. The GOES-16 loop is similar to a loop that includes the Solstice-to-Solstice dates.
A link to a page with one GOES-16 ABI image for each day of 2021: Other versions as an mp4, from the ABI on GOES-16: small, medium. It should be noted that all these images are drastically sub-sampled from the higher spatial resolution imagery.
A similar year-long animation, from GOES-17 at 21 UTC daily. This time was chosen for a maximum illumination of the full disk.

Interactive web page for GOES-17 ABI images at 21 UTC. Other mp4 versions, as mp4, from the ABI on GOES-17: small or medium.
An interactive web page, show GOES-16 11 UTC imagery. Note how the terminator changes over time. (The solstice to solstice “supercool animation” part was written up by Discover Magazine.)
Mollweide Projection (combined GOES-17 and GOES-16)
Year-long, GOES-16 and GOES-17 combined images, in a Mollweide projection.
A similar loop, but hourly (large file: ~200 MB). More near realtime combined GOES-16/17 images.
These images were made with geo2grid s/w or McIDAS-X, with NOAA GOES data via the UW-Madison, SSEC. Many more GOES-16 and GOES-17 loops on the CIMSS Satellite Blog or this link of links.