Stereoscopic views of the Kincade Fire in California
GOES-16 and GOES-17 satellite imagery can be remapped and combined to create stereoscopic imagery. To achieve the 3-dimensional effect, cross your eyes until three scenes are visible, and focus on the middle image. You can also achieve this by placing a finger halfway between your eyes and the screen, and focusing on your finger, then focusing on the image behind. (Here’s a website that might help). The imagery above, from 24 October 2019, shows high clouds rotating anti-cyclonically above the smoke produced from the Kincade Fire (previous blog posts on this fire are here and here). The smoke plume extended far out into the Pacific Ocean. A Full-resolution image animation is shown below.
Animations for 25 October, 26 October, 27 October, 28 October and 29 October are shown below, in order.
On the 25th and 26th of October, prevailing winds moved smoke into the Bay Area. On both days, the fire appeared less vigorous in the visible imagery than on the 24th, at top, or on the 27th; at least, it appeared to be producing less smoke.
On the 27th, below, the fire resembled the scene on 24 October, with a large smoke plume extending far southwest into the Pacific Ocean.
On the 28th, below, smoke generation has decreased, and the smoke pall appears over the Bay Area again. A full-resolution version is available here.
The scene on the 29th, below (Full resolution available here) is shown below. The smoke plume is extensive.
How did the smoke plume change from day to day? The animation below shows data at 2350 UTC on 24-29 October.