Autumn tree colors
A 250-meter resolution Terra MODIS true-color Red/Green/Blue (RGB) image from the SSEC MODIS Today site (above) revealed the widespread orange hue of Autumn tree colors over parts of northeastern Minnesota, northern Wisconsin, and the western Upper Peninsula of Michigan on 11 October 2015.A comparison with the corresponding MODIS false-color RGB image (below) helped to identify 2 features of interest: (1) the large burn scar from the Pagami Creek fire in northeastern Minnesota (12 September 2011), and (2) the long tornado damage scar from the EF3 Langlade tornado in northeastern Wisconsin (07 June 2007). The location of these 2 features appears on this annotated image.
On the following day (12 October), the three MODIS true-color images below showed similar signatures of Autumn tree colors over portions of the Northeast US (SSEC MODIS Today). The Autumn tree colors across the Northeast US were also evident on Suomi NPP VIIRS true-color imagery, as viewed using the SSEC RealEarth web map server (below).