Landsat-8 images of the Rim Fire in California

Google Maps terrain, with Landsat-8 0.45 µm visible channel and 2.29 µm shortwave IR channel images
Google Maps terrain along with 30-meter resolution Lansdat-8 0.45 µm visible channel and 2.29 µm shortwave IR channel images of the Rim Fire in California at 18:42 UTC on 31 August 2013 are shown above. While there were some scattered clouds in the satellite scene, a great deal of optically-thick smoke could be seen in the visible image (along with some new smoke plumes from a cluster of active fires). On the shortwave IR image, the active fire “hot spots” appear as bright white features around the perimeter of the fire burn scar. These Landsat-8 images are displayed using the SSEC Web Map Server.
As of 31 August, the Rim Fire had burned 222,777 acres, making it the 4th largest fire on record for the state of California; the fire was estimated to be 45% contained at that time. The corresponding 31 August Landsat-8 false-color Red/Green/Blue (RGB) image — created using Bands 7/5/3 — shows the large areal extent of the fire burn scar (darker red colors), along with the active fires along the perimeter (brighter pink colors).
Credits: original RGB image created by Sam Batzli, SSEC; RGB image converted for WMS display by Russ Dengel, SSEC.