GOES-14 begins service as GOES-East
At 10:00 UTC on 23 May, GOES-14 imagery started flowing to AWIPS as the GOES-East satellite (as seen in the comparison between the 09:30 and 10:10 UTC IR images above). Work continues on evaluating the status of GOES-13. GOES-14 remains in geostationary orbit at 105.5 West longitude, and GVAR data are being broadcast directly from GOES-14 (not relayed through GOES-13). Updates on GOES-13 — and all satellites — can be found here.
Sounder data from GOES-14 are also flowing into AWIPS. The 6.5µm water vapor channel imagery from the GOES Sounder is much cleaner on GOES-14 than on GOES-13, as shown in the image comparison above. Note also that the Sounder footprint is slightly different between GOES-13 (positioned at 75 W) and GOES-14 (positioned at 105.5 W).
For the first 24 hours or so, users will notice some slight problems with the accuracy of the Image Navigation and Registration (INR), as can be seen in a sequence of GOES-14 0.63 µm visible channel images (above; click image to play animation).