Mountain waves downwind of the Sierra Nevada Range in California
McIDAS images of 4-km resolution GOES-15 6.5 µm “water vapor channel” data (above; click image to play animation) showed the development of a series of well-defined mountain waves immediately downwind of the high terrain of the Sierra Nevada mountains in California on 08 November 2012. This mountain wave signature indicates the potential for turbulence — and there were a few pilot reports of light to moderate turbulence in that region between the altitudes of 25,000 and 38,000 feet above ground level (17:02 UTC, 01:00 UTC).
Occasionally the crests of these mountain waves are marked by “rotor clouds” — but they also frequently occur in clear air, which underscores the importance of using water vapor imagery for their detection. AWIPS images of 1-km resolution MODIS 6.7 µm water vapor channel, 0.65 µm visible channel. and 11.0 µm IR channel data at 20:32 UTC (below) showed that there were no cloud features present with some of the mountain waves (or with the entire portion of any given mountain wave).