GOES-14 Full Disk images at 30-minute intervals
As a part of the GOES-14 Super Rapid Scan Operations for GOES-R (SRSOR) testing, the satellite provided full-disk images at 30-minute intervals during the day on 14 September 2012. For current GOES satellites, the operational full-disk image interval is 3 hours; the ABI instrument on GOES-R will provide a full-disk image every 5 minutes. GOES-14 0.65 µm water vapor channel images are shown above (click image to play animation).
The corresponding GOES-14 0.63 µm visible channel images (below; click image to play animation) revealed two features of interest over the eastern portion of the full disk which were more obvious due to the large forward scattering geometry: (1) a large pall of smoke over the Amazon basin and much of interior South America, a result of widespread biomass burning (magnified view), and (2) Saharan Air Layer dust located to the north, east, and southeast of Tropical Storm Nadine in the North Atlantic Ocean (magnified view).