Unusually low ice concentration in the Beaufort Sea and Chukchi Sea
A sequence of Suomi-NPP VIIRS Visible images (above) showed a large area of ice-free water in the western Beaufort Sea and eastern Chukchi Sea north of Alaska — with limited sea ice concentration as far north as 80º N latitude — on 13 September 2022.
False Color RGB images from NOAA-20 and Suomi-NPP, viewed using RealEarth (below) provided another depiction of the large ice-free region the Beaufort Sea (as well as adjacent portions of the Chukchi Sea).
Sea Ice Concentration (based on the NOAA Enterprise Algorithm) at 0000 UTC on 13 September (below) also showed limited ice coverage and concentration extending past 80º N latitude.
According to Rick Thoman (University of Alaska, Fairbanks), Beaufort Sea ice extent was the 9th lowest on record for this date: