Eruption of Volcán Wolf in the Galápagos Islands

GOES-16 Ash RGB images [click to play animated GIF | MP4]
GOES-16 Ash RGB images created using Geo2Grid (above) displayed the expansion of 2 volcanic clouds following the eruption of Wolf in the Galápagos Islands on 07 January 2022 — one moving northeastward and dissipating, and the other moving westward. The green shades of the volcanic cloud suggested that it contained fairly high concentrations of SO2 (in contrast to volcanic ash, would would appear as shades of pink/magenta). The cluster of dark blue pixels represented the hot thermal anomaly at the summit of the volcano, which persisted during the entire day.
This persistent thermal anomaly was also apparent in Shortwave Infrared (3.9 µm) images from GOES-17 (GOES-West) and GOES-16 (GOES-East) (below), shown in the native projection of each satellite.
Shortwave Infrared (3.9 µm) images from GOES-17 (left) and GOES-16 (right) [click to play animated GIF | MP4]