The “Wallow Fire” in Arizona
250-meter resolution MODIS true color and false color Red/Green/Blue (RGB) images from the SSEC MODIS Today site (above) showed the long, dense smoke plume (gray on the true color image) and the hottest active fires (pink on the false color image) around the perimeter of the large burn scar of the “Wallow Fire” in eastern Arizona on 03 June 2011. At over 106,000 acres, the Wallow Fire has become the 4th largest wildfire in Arizona history.
===== 04 JUNE UPDATE =====
1-km resolution GOES-13 0.63 µm visible channel images (below; click image to play animation) showed the development of a very large pyrocumulus cloud late in the afternoon on 04 June 2011 (note: the date labels on some of the images are incorrect; the Rapid Scan Operations animation spans from 16:02 UTC on 04 June to 00:55 UTC on 05 June).
A comparison of SSEC MODIS Today 250-meter resolution true color and false color Red/Green/Blue (RGB) images (below) from the Terra satellite (17:38 overpass time) and the Aqua satellite (20:53 UTC overpass time) showed a more detailed view of the development of the pyrocumulus cloud (brighter white, within the gray colored smoke plume on the true color image), as well as the flare-up of very hot active fires (pink features in the false color image).