GOES-14 SRSOR: Storm-centered Loop of Supercell over the High Plains of Colorado
An isolated Supercell Thunderstorm developed near Denver on 20 May and then moved eastward over the High Plains. The storm produced significant hail. GOES-14 was operating in SRSOR mode and viewing Colorado during the storm’s lifecycle, and the animation above (click image for a large animated gif file) is centered on the storm, highlighting the inflow into the storm from the southeast and the strong difluence around the updraft.
An earth-centered animation is available here. The animated gif clickable above is also available as a YouTube video, or downloadable in mp4 format here.
This animation shows the visible and the 10.7 µm infrared for the same time period. (Also available on YouTube).
(Two more YouTube Videos: Visible (mp4 here) and Infrared (mp4 here), with some bad lines removed)