Please note that all the webapps on these pages use HTML5 and require an up-to-date browser!
These are also "touch-friendly" and will run on mobile devices.
(Older Java and Flash versions are available here.)
Friction and Fly Balls
Precipitation Type
Make a Thunderstorm
Lightning and Thunder
Satellite Images & Orbits
Grow Snow Crystals
Exploring Rainbows
Great Lakes Temperature Interactive

Relative Humidity
Past Climates
Make a Planet
Sun Angle
Energy Model
GOES-R Series ABI Activities
Phases of the Moon
Check out more webapps at
Measure cloud top temperatures from IR images
Additional GOES-R Series resources
Unless otherwise noted, all WebApps are Copyright© 2013 by Tom Whittaker and Steve
Ackerman at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Many illustrations provided by Sue Medaris and the WhyFiles project.
Supporting data provided by NOAA and NASA. Funding for applet development was provided
by multiple agencies and organizations.