Make a livable planet by adding atmosphere, water, and clouds
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The aim of this applet is to teach about the balance of global water, land coverage, atmosphere and cloudiness required to create a "liveable planet". (See instructions, below).

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Your goal is to make a habitable planet by adding enough Water, Atmosphere and Clouds to reach a global average temperature of about 15°C (59°F). You can mix and match, add or remove.

  • Click an item from the right side (red panel) to add that element
  • Click an item in the left to remove that element
  • HINT You must put at least 3 clouds by the planet!!
After each click, it will take a few seconds for the planet to reach a stable, balanced temperature.

Contest! Who can make the planet livable in the least number of years???

Go BACK to Explore the Atmosphere!