Cold front approaching Hawaii
A cold frontal boundary was moving southward across the Pacific Ocean and approaching the Hawaiian Islands on 29 September – 30 September 2008, as seen on a comparison of AWIPS visible, IR, and water... Read More
A cold frontal boundary was moving southward across the Pacific Ocean and approaching the Hawaiian Islands on 29 September – 30 September 2008, as seen on a comparison of AWIPS visible, IR, and water... Read More
The Kasatochi Volcano (located in the Aleutian Islands of Alaska) experienced a series of eruptions on 07-08 August 2008. A comparison of visible channel images from the MTSAT-1R and GOES-11 satellites (above) shows the initial sequence of volcanic plumes from 2 very... Read More
On the morning of 17 July 2008, we received the following email from Ron Miller at the National Weather Service forecast office in Spokane, Washington:Can you tell... Read More
Chile is one of the most volcanically active countries on Earth. The latest volcano to erupt is Chaiten, which had previously lain dormant for at least 1000 years. Chaiten is at approximately 42 degrees South latitude, 72 degrees west longitude, close to Golfo de Ancud. A series of eruptions, starting... Read More