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Category: VIIRS

Freezing fog across the Pacific Northwest

AWIPS images of the 1-km resolution MODIS fog/stratus product (above) showed areas of freezing fog that were persisting across parts of the Pacific Northwest region of the US during the pre-dawn hours on 10 December 2011. This freezing fog was causing a few traffic accidents on roadways across the region.On the previous... Read More

Mesoscale vortex over western Lake Ontario

1-km resolution GOES-13 0.63 µm visible channel images (above; click image to play animation) revealed a mesoscale vortex (or “mesolow”) propagating slowly westward across the western end of Lake Ontario on 21 November 2011. The GOES-13 satellite had been placed into Rapid Scan Operations (RSO) mode, providing images as frequently as every... Read More