Category: Training
LightningCast probabilities in the cool season

Seasonably cool Fall-like temperatures overspread the western Great Lakes and northern Plains on 5 October. The animation above shows the Day Cloud Phase Distinction overlain with LightningCast probability from 1321-1721 UTC on 5 October (that is, 8:21-12:21 CDT). SPC on this day was anticipating general thunder over northern Minnesota. Given that,... Read More
Creating customized brightness temperature ranges in Polar2Grid

Polar2Grid is a powerful software package that enables a user to take Sensor Data Record (SDR) files from JPSS satellites (Suomi-NPP, NOAA-20, NOAA-21) and create high-quality georeferenced imagery that can be color-enhanced. (Polar2Grid also works with data from other polar orbiting satellites!) This blog post details how to scale an... Read More
Using NODD and Polar2Grid to create Day Night Band imagery anywhere

The NOAA Open Data Dissemination (NODD) resource (more information at this link) provides global data from JPSS. One source from which data are available is Amazon Web Services, with separate portals for Suomi NPP, for NOAA-20 and for NOAA-21. The data at those sites are arranged by times; step one for data... Read More