How fast can you create JPSS imagery from data on the Amazon Cloud using Polar2Grid?

Orbits from NOAA-20 (link, from this site) show a NOAA-20 overpass over Tropical Storm Bret at around 1700 UTC on 21 June 2023. Data from NOAA-20 were available at this site by 1730 UTC, and downloading files from the VIIRS-I1-SDR and VIIRS-IMG-GEO directories (as discussed in this blog post), and running a simple Polar2Grid (software downloadable here) command yields the full-resolution image above. For ascending (daytime!) passes, then, this could be done within 45 minutes. This particular image was posted on the blog by about 1840 UTC.
Of course, you might not want all the imagery outside the Tropical Cyclone! Polar2Grid allows for simple definitions of grids (via the p2g_grid_helper shell script: ./ GridName -52.0 13.0 375 -375 1440 1440 > $POLAR2GRID_HOME/FileName.yaml
). An I01 visible image (0.64 µm) centered near Bret with the defined grid in the command above is shown below.