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Category: NUCAPS

Can you use gridded NUCAPS fields to diagnose the rain/snow line?

Gridded NUCAPS fields include a wide range of thermodynamic variables. The plot above shows the 900-mb temperature field. Is it possible to use this data to diagnose a rain/snow transition line? Over southern New England, the relationship between 900-mb temperatures and surface precipitation observations seems robust: snow is restricted to... Read More

Ozone Estimates from NUCAPS

Gridded NOAA-Unique Combined Atmospheric Processing System fields in AWIPS (and elsewhere, such as this excellent site) include retrieved values of ozone (O3), an important gas.  In high concentrations in the upper troposphere, O3 is a marker for the presence of stratospheric air.  In the animation above, high concentrations of ozone are present... Read More

Gridded NUCAPS fields over the Pacific Ocean

GOES-17 ABI Imagery on 6 February suggests the presence of a cold front over the Pacific Ocean northeast of Hawaii. The Clean Window imagery shows a flat region between 30º N and 40º N around 140º W. The Night Fog Brightness temperature difference shows a signal — cyan — in... Read More