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Category: Historical

Image Archive of the Historic May 11th Geomagnetic Storm

Thousands if not millions of people took colorful photos of the Northern Lights during the early hours of May 11th during a remarkable G5 geomagnetic storm that expanded Aurora Borealis activity southward to unusually low latitudes in the United States. The JPSS fleet of polar-orbiting spacecraft captured eight monochromatic VIIRS... Read More

GOES-N to GOES-13, EWS-G1 and the Graveyard (Orbit)

The Imager on GOES-13 captured approximately 2,307,267 images (counting each of the 5 spectral bands as an image), with an additional (at least) 264,480 images as EWS-G1 — for a total of 2,571,747 images! In addition, the GOES-13 Sounder captured 3,054,820 images (counting each of the 19 spectral bands as... Read More