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Category: GOES-15

GOES-15: improved spatial resolution water vapor channel

 McIDAS images of 8-km resolution GOES-11 6.7 µm and 4-km resolution GOES-15 6.5 µm water vapor channel data (above) demonstrated the advantage of improved spatial resolution for the detection of features and gradients in the water vapor imagery associated with a weak upper level low moving eastward across the southwestern... Read More

Fires across eastern Texas

McIDAS images of GOES-13 3.9 µm shortwave IR and 0.63 µm visible channel data (above; click image to play animation) showed the fire hot spot (dark black pixels) and large smoke plume associated with the Bastrop County fire complex in eastern Texas on Read More

Tropical Storm Emily in the Caribbean Sea

The fifth named storm of the Atlantic Tropical season, Emily, is moving towards Hispaniola. The animation of MIMIC Total Precipitable Water (TPW), above, derived from microwave data, shows that Emily is embedded within a region of enhanced moisture (Hurricane Eugene in the eastern Pacific Ocean... Read More