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Category: GOES-11

Mountain waves over Colorado and New Mexico

A comparison of 8-km resolution GOES-11 6.7 µm water vapor channel, 4-km resolution GOES-13 and GOES-15 6.5 µm water vapor channel, and 1-km resolution Aqua MODIS 6.7 µm water vapor channel images (above) demonstrated how differences in satellite viewing angle as well as differences in satellite sensor spatial resolution have... Read More

Intense Bering Sea Extratropical Cyclone

McIDAS images of MTSAT-1R 6.7 µm water vapor channel data (above) showed an intense extratropical cyclone that was moving toward the Bering Sea region during the 07 November – 08 November 2011 time frame. Of particular interest was the presence of a very warm/dry (dark black) circular region within the... Read More

Augmented Scanning Schedule for GOES-West

A new scanning schedule that adds more sectors is being followed for GOES-15 as the satellite drifts westward towards 135 W. When GOES-15 becomes the new GOES-West, replacing GOES-11 (planned to occur on December 6th), the augmented scanning schedule will become operational, offering 1 or 2 additional scans per hour of... Read More