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Category: Calibration/Anomalies

Fixed-Grid Format Data flowing in AWIPS

Until today, GOES-16 Data that flowed into AWIPS was remapped twice: First, from the observational perspective (that is, how the satellite views it) to a spherical fixed-grid projection that approximates the Earth, and then to a Lambert Conformal projection with (for infrared data) 2-km resolution over the Globe. That Lambert... Read More

The 3.9 ยตm channel at night over very cold cloud tops

When cloud top temperatures are very cold, the 3.9 µm imagery will have characteristics that suggest a noisy signal.  The 45-minute animation above shows a cold cloud top east of Florida in 4 different infrared channels:  3.9 µm (Upper Left), 10.3 µm (Upper Right), 8.5 µm (Lower Left) and 12.3 µm (Lower Right).  That... Read More