Below-freezing temperatures across much of Florida
Much of the state of Florida experienced below-freezing temperatures on the morning of 04 January 2012. An AWIPS image of the 1-km resolution MODIS Land Surface Temperature (LST) product (above) showed that LST values of 32ª F and colder (blue color enhancement) extended far to the south at 07:27 UTC (02:27 am local time). There were even several pockets exhibiting LST values less than 20ª F (violet color enhancement), including a minimum of 10.7ª F just southwest of Gainesville (station identifier KGNV) in northern Florida, and 15.3ª F just to the west of Lake Okeechobee in southern Florida.
A map of minimum temperatures on the morning of 04 January (below) showed that the cold air had even moved as far south as Cuba, where lows in the 40s F were observed. In Florida, new record low temperatures for the day included 18ªF at Tallahassee, 20ª F at Gainesville, 22ª F at Jacksonville, 33ª F at Melbourne, and 36ª F at Naples.