NUCAPS EDR files in the cloud
NUCAPS EDRs (Environmental Data Records) are now populating space in the cloud, such as at this Amazon webservices (AWS) link This is part of the NODD (NOAA Open-Data Dessemination) project. At that AWS link you will see a ‘NUCAPS-EDR’ directory, and dropping down through year/month/day selections, a list of filenames appears with names such as:
; ‘j01’ identifies the satellite as NOAA-20; data in this file starts 15:14:58.9 on 14 May 2024, ends at 15:15:28.7 on 14 May 2024, and was created on 16:06:24.0 on 14 May 2024. The file listing shown below as a screen-capture shows data from 1725 to 1732 UTC on 14 May 2024.
These data can be displayed most easily by knowing when NOAA-20 overflew a region, and this website helps with that. The GOES-East projection showing NOAA-20 orbits on 14 May is shown below. Focus on the ascending pass off the East Coast of the United States, from 17:25 to 17:32 or so.
After downloading the Sounder QuickLooks software (from CSPP), 7 commands created the mapping of temperature shown up top. First, the .qz file that includes the software packages was expanded and I changed locations to the created directory, making that the home directory with the export command. A shell script within the directory is then sourced to set up environments (one result of this shell script is that the $CSPP_SOUNDER_QL_HOME/bin directory is added to a user’s $PATH). Then I changed to the bin directory. The script ‘getall’ retrieves the netcdf files from the cloud — it’s a series of unix wget commands, i.e., “wget".
The variable ‘files’ matches all of the netcdf files that were downloaded. Finally, the 700-mb temperature field is created, as shown above. (Note: because the cspp_sounder_ql_env shell script puts the bin directory in the user’s $PATH, the ql_level2_image shell script below could be invoked from any directory. In other words, there’s no need to put the netcdf files in the bin directory!)
tar -xvf cspp-sounder-ql-1.3.tar.gz
cd cspp-sounder-ql-1.3
cd bin
./ $files NUCAPS --dset temp --pressure 700
Past blog post entries on Sounder QuickLooks software are here and here.