Severe thunderstorms across Nebraska and Iowa
1-minute Mesoscale Domain Sector GOES-16 (GOES-East) Visible/Infrared Sandwich RGB images (above) showed thunderstorms that produced tornadoes, large hail and damaging winds (SPC Storm Reports) across eastern Nebraska and western Iowa on 26 April 2024.1-minute GOES-16 Visible/Infrared Sandwich RGB images with an overlay of GLM Flash Extent Density (below) showed the lightning activity associated with this convection — which included some notable lightning jumps as tornadic thunderstorms moved through the Omaha area (producing the EF3-rated Elkhorn tornado) beginning about 2040 UTC.
A larger-scale view using 1-minute GOES-16 “Clean” Infrared Window (10.3 µm) images (below) also showed the storms that affected western and central Iowa after sunset. The coldest infrared brightness temperatures of thunderstorm overshooting tops were around -60ºC (darker black enhancement). Cursor samples displayed a few select Tornado Local Storm Reports across eastern Nebraska and western Iowa from 1955-2305 UTC on 26 April (above) and across western and central Iowa from 0025-0159 UTC on 27 April (below). A larger-scale view of 1-minute GOES-16 Infrared images that included an overlay of GLM Flash Extent Density is shown below.