30-second imagery of a chemical plant fire in Texas

GOES-16 Day Land Cloud Fire RGB images with an overlay of Fire Power and Fire Mask derived products, from 1400 UTC to 1900 UTC [click to play animated GIF | MP4]
By Scott Bachmeier •
GOES-16 Day Land Cloud Fire RGB images with an overlay of Fire Power and Fire Mask derived products, from 1400 UTC to 1900 UTC [click to play animated GIF | MP4]
GOES-16 Day Land Cloud Fire RGB image at 1426 UTC, with a cursor sample of Fire Mask and Fire Power derived product values [click to enlarge]
GOES-16 Shortwave Infrared (3.9 µm) image at 1426 UTC, with a cursor sample of the 3.9 µm infrared brightness temperature [click to enlarge]
Categories: Fire detection, GOES-16, Red-Green-Blue (RGB) images