Derecho damage swath in southern Nebraska
GOES-16 (GOES-East) Near-Infrared “Vegetation” (0.86 µm), Vegetation Channel Difference (0.64 µm – 0.86 µm), Day Land Cloud RGB and CIMSS Natural Color RGB images (above) showed a west-to-east oriented damage swath across Furnas and Harlan counties in far southern Nebraska n 02 July 2023 — which resulted from wind-driven large hail (wind gusts to 70 mph, hail up to 3.00 inches in diameter: Local Storm Reports) 3 days earlier during the 28-29 June Derecho event.GOES-16 Rayleigh-scattering-corrected True Color RGB images from the CSPP GeoSphere site (below) provided a higher-contrast view of the damage swath, which exhibited shades of tan (in contrast to the predominantly greener appearance of adjacent healthy vegetation and fields of crops).
The derecho damage swath also showed up well in a toggle between Suomi-NPP VIIRS True Color RGB and False Color RGB images valid at 1932 UTC (below). Data used to create the VIIRS images were downloaded and processed by the SSEC/CIMSS Direct Broadcast ground station. 1-minute Mesoscale Domain Sector GOES-16 “Clean” Infrared Window (10.3 µm) images just after local midnight on 29 June (below) inc\luded time-matched (+/- 3 minutes) SPC Storm Reports plotted in white — which showed the reports of wind/hail responsible for the Furnas/Harlan county damage swath seen on 02 July.