Greenwood Fire in northeast Minnesota
GOES-16 Shortwave Infrared (3.9 µm) images, with hourly plots of surface wind barbs (cyan) and wind gusts (in knots, red) [click to play animation | MP4]
GOES-16 (GOES-East) Shortwave Infrared (3.9 µm) images (above) showed rapid growth of the thermal anomaly — cluster of hot pixels, red enhancement — associated with the Greenwood Fire in northeast Minnesota on 23 August 2021. With gusty winds in the wake of a frontal passage, the fire exhibited extreme behavior on this day, growing in size from 8862 acres to 19,493 acres. Vegetation was near a historic level of dryness, due to ongoing drought conditions.
GOES-16 True Color RGB images created using Geo2Grid (below) displayed the dense smoke plume from the Greenwood Fire (as well as other plumes from wildfires farther to the north in Minnesota and Ontario) as they moved eastward.

GOES-16 True Color RGB images [click to play animation | MP4]