GOES-15 temporarily brought out of storage
Water Vapor images from GOES-17 (6.9 µm, left) and GOES-15 (6.5 µm, right) [click to play animation | MP4]
- improved spatial resolution with ABI Water Vapor (and other infrared) spectral bands — 2 km at sub-satellite point for GOES-17, vs 4 km at sub-satellite point for GOES-15
- improved temporal resolution — 5-minute image interval for GOES-17, vs 15-minute image interval for GOES-15 (except for 30-minute gaps every 3 hours, during Full Disk scans)
- more stable image navigation
Multi-panel animations of GOES-15 images from the Imager and Sounder instruments are shown below (credit: Tim Schmit, NOAA/ASPB). In addition, there are animations of GOES-15 Visible and Infrared Window images.
GOES-15 Imager spectral bands [click to play animation | MP4]
![GOES-15 Sounder spectral bands [click to play animation | MP4]](https://cimss.ssec.wisc.edu/satellite-blog/images/2021/02/gwall.21041.2200.gif)
GOES-15 Sounder spectral bands [click to play animation | MP4]