Geostationary Lightning Mapper (GLM) data displayed with Geo2Grid
GOES-16 ABI CONUS sector band 13 (Clean Window, 10.3 µm) infrared imagery, 1901-2001 UTC on 30 January 2021
Geo2Grid is a scripting tool that accesses various Python packages to display Geostationary Satellite data, described on this blog before here, here and here (Polar2Grid is a similar package for Low Earth Orbit satellite data). The animation above shows GOES-16 Band-13 (Clean Window, 10.3 µm) infrared data for an hour over Oklahoma/Kansas/Missouri/Arkansas during a time when tornadoes occurred (imagery was produced using Geo2Grid and GOES-16 level-1b radiance files). (SPC Storm Reports).
Gridded GLM data are available at this website; both CONUS and Full Disk domains are available, CONUS data are a simple subset of the Full Disk imagery. These netCDF files (with ‘GLMC’ in the filename) are available each minute, and contain a variety of gridded GLM products, some of which as distributed to National Weather Service forecast offices. By using the ‘glm_l2’ reader in Geo2Grid, data can be plotted, and subsequently overlain on top of the ABI imagery, as shown below.