(Northern Hemisphere) Winter solstice
By animating daily NOAA GOES-16 ABI Full Disk visible imagery, how the Earth is illuminated over time can be seen. For example, the minimum in incoming solar radiation in the Northern Hemisphere associated with the Winter Solstice. For details, see “What is a Solstice?” by SciJinks. Or this NOAA https://www.noaa.gov/education/news/share-your-solstice-sunset-with-noaa-education post.
A Full Disk visible (band 2) loop at 11 UTC, (9 and 18 sec long versions).
Interactive web pages
An interactive web page with a years worth of GOES ABI Full Disk visible images at 11 UTC. The beginning date is the (northern hemisphere) winter solstice is 2019 and the end date is the winter solstice in 2020. A user can play the animation, as well as annotate the images. For example, draw lines along the terminator for different times of the year. One example might be to compare a solstice to an equinox. H/T Tom Whittaker, SSEC, for the webapp.

The Year in Review
A year-long Midwest CIMSS (Natural) true color (during the day) and the nighttime cloud microphysics) animation from GOES-16 at 18 UTC. Since this are daytime images, only the true color is being seen. A similar loop as above, but with a duration of 37 sec or 74 sec.
Year-long, GOES-16 loops at 18 UTC have been generated for other regions, including: the Northeast, Mid-Atlantic, Southeast, Texas and part of the Gulf of Mexico, Central US, Southwest, and Northwest. Similar loops from GOES-17 have been generated using images from 21 UTC for both Alaska and Hawaii. Note for the loop over parts of Alaska, the nighttime imagery is evident. These loops begin on the Winter Solstice 2019.
Year-long Hourly Loop over the Midwest
A very large (800 MB) file, showing a year-long (hourly) GOES-16 file over the Midwest (duration of 14 min). The loop is also on YouTube. Many features can be seen, including clouds, smoke and snow. This loop begin on the Winter Solstice 2019.
These images were made with either McIDAS-X or geo2grid, both from UW-Madison, SSEC.