Cardboard Container Factory Fire in Niagara Falls, NY

GOES-16 Mesoscale Sector-1 Shortwave Infrared (3.9 µm) Imagery, 1440 – 1450 UTC on 20 November 2020 (Click to enlarge)
GOES-16 Mesoscale Sector 1 imagery, in its default position over the metropolitan New York City aviation hub, also views western New York. It was therefore able to view the beginning of a large fire at a cardboard container recycling and manufacturing facility in Niagara Falls (Youtube link) on 20 November 2020. GOES-16 Band 7 shortwave infrared (3.9 µm) imagery, above, first detected the fire hot spot at about 1441 UTC, or 9:41 AM EST (It becomes visually apparent in the imagery at about 1447 UTC). GOES-16 continued to observe the fire until clouds moved into the area around 1600 UTC, or 11 AM EST, as shown in the Fire RGB animation, below, from 1430 – 1630 UTC, and in this visible imagery animation. (Click here to view the Band 7 (3.9 µm) animation from 1430 – 1630)
The warmest GOES-16 Band 7 (3.9 µm) pixel temperature occurred at 1512 UTC: 53.5ºC. Click here to see the image; (here’s the Fire RGB for that time).
Radar observed the fire’s plume (link from 1550 UTC, courtesy Michael Fries, NWS BUF). Thanks also to Michael for alerting us to this event.
A thin veil of clouds had overspread the area by 1737 UTC — but in a time-matched comparison of Shortwave Infrared images from #SuomiNPP and #GOES16, the superior 375-meter spatial resolution of VIIRS imagery still detected a thermal signature of 51.8ºC:
— Scott Bachmeier (@CIMSS_Satellite) November 21, 2020