GOES-17 Data are flowing in GRB

GOES-17 0.86 µm Near-Infrared and 3.9 µm Infrared imagery, 1607 UTC on 28 August 2018 (Click to enlarge)
GOES-17 images shown here are preliminary and non-operational
The GOES Rebroadcast (GRB) is now transmitting GOES-17 data that remain Preliminary and non-operational. The first data sent were at 1530 UTC on 28 August. The toggle above shows Bands 3 (“Veggie Band”, 0.86 µm) and Band 7 (“Shortwave Infrared”, 3.9 µm) from the Meso-1 sector that was positioned over the West Coast at 1607 UTC on 28 August 2018. Band 13 (“Clean Window”, 10.3 µm), below, from the Meso-2 sector is over the High Plains.
Visible (Band 2, 0.64 µm) Imagery from 1531 UTC, below, was produced using CSPP Geo, a software package that reads the GRB signal and produces imagery. (Image courtesy Graeme Martin, CIMSS)
The Geo2Grid Software Package can be used with GRB output to produce True-Color imagery, as shown below. The full-disk image was created in about 8 minutes using a centOS server, and it is corrected for atmospheric and solar zenith angle effects. Green Band information is simulated from other ABI channels.
Full Disk examples of imagery from all 16 ABI bands (in addition to a Natural Color RGB image) are shown below (courtesy Mat Gunshor, CIMSS).