Augmented Scanning Schedule for GOES-West
A new scanning schedule that adds more sectors is being followed for GOES-15 as the satellite drifts westward towards 135 W. When GOES-15 becomes the new GOES-West, replacing GOES-11 (planned to occur on December 6th), the augmented scanning schedule will become operational, offering 1 or 2 additional scans per hour of the Continental United States (at the so-called ‘sub-conus scale’ depicted here). There images scans start at 11 and 41 minutes past each hour (except when full-disks are taken every three hours, in which case only the image at 41 minutes past the hour is produced). Visible image sizes are 2400×4800 pixels; infrared images sizes are 600×1200.
This image shows the current operational GOES-West imager scanning schedule. Here is the augmented schedule. Note the addition of small images just before the nn:15 and nn:45 images. Because GOES-15 is moving, the geographic coverage for the sub-CONUS imagery is not yet where it will be when GOES-15 is on station at 135 W Longitude.
Recall that GOES-15 has improved water vapor imagery resolution over GOES-11. (Link). In addition, the 12-micrometer channel on GOES-11 will be replaced by a 13.3 micrometer channel on GOES-15. In addition, the visible channel will subtly shift to a channel with a narrower response with a peak at 0.63 micrometers.