Prescribed burns in the Florida Panhandle
5-minute CONUS Sector GOES-16 (GOES-East) “Red” Visible (0.64 µm) images (above) included an overlay of the Fire Mask derived product (a component of the GOES Fire Detection and Characterization Algorithm FDCA) — which showed the smoke plumes and thermal signatures associated with prescribed burns in the Florida Panhandle on 22 April 2024.Once the smoke plumes extended about 20-30 miles offshore, their signature became apparent in the GOES-16 Aerosol Optical Depth (AOD) derived product (below) — AOD values exceeded 1.0 (darker red pixels) within the easternmost smoke plume.
GOES-16 True Color RGB images from the CSPP GeoSphere site (below) provided a clearer view of the 2 dominant smoke plumes (along with a few other less-pronounced smoke plumes from smaller fires).