Lake effect convection over southern Lake Michigan
GOES-16 (GOES-East) Day Cloud Phase Distinction RGB images (above) showed convection which developed just off the Lower Michigan coast in southeastern Lake Michigan — where warmer water temperatures existed — on 17 October 2022. As this convection moved inland across southwestern Lower Michigan and northern Indiana it produced a swath of rainfall and snowfall.The GOES-16 Day Cloud Phase Distinction RGB image at 1831 UTC (below) includes cursor readouts of associated Cloud Top Phase and Cloud Top Height derived products at a point near the center of the offshore convection. Qualitative interpretation of RGB color hues can be somewhat difficult or misleading at times — this method of Level 2 derived product display ensures a more accurate analysis of RGB image features. For example, the cloud top at the cursor location shown below exhibited a 10.3 µm infrared brightness temperature of -43.05ºC at a height of 26,766 feet, ensuring Ice as the cloud top phase.