Wildfire smoke in Colorado
GOES-16 (GOES-East) True Color Red-Green-Blue (RGB) images created using Geo2Grid (above) showed plumes of smoke drifting across parts of Colorado on 30 September 2020. The most smoke prominent plume originated from the Mullen Fire in far southern Wyoming — which produced a pyroCb cloud on 19 September.On the following morning, the hazy signature of low-altitude smoke that had settled overnight into the North Park and Middle Park plateau areas of north-central Colorado was evident in CIMSS Natural Color RGB images (below). During the morning hours, this smoke restricted the surface visibility to 1-3/4 mile at Walden and 5 miles at Kremmling, before gradually beginning to disperse in the afternoon hours.
The signature of North Park and Middle Park plateau smoke was more vivid using GOES-16 True Color imagery which includes a correction for Rayleigh scattering (below).