Ice forming in the nearshore waters of Lake Michigan
After a cold night (morning low temperatures of -24ºF were recorded at several inland locations in Wisconsin, along with -12ºF in northern Illinois), ice was seen forming in the western and southern nearshore waters of Lake Michigan on 24 December 2013. The ice motion could be seen on consecutive 250-meter resolution Terra and Aqua MODIS true-color Band 1/4/3 Red/Green/Blue (RGB) images from the SSEC MODIS Today site (above).
A comparison of the Aqua MODIS true-color and Band 7/2/1 false-color RGB images (below) confirms that the brighter features seen along the western and southern nearshore waters were ice — ice and snow (as well as clouds composed of ice crystals) appear as varying shades of cyan in the false-color image, in contrast to supercooled water droplet clouds which appear as varyinng shades of white.